Conflict Resolution Documents for Transdniestrian Conflict

1992-2014 Documents.

2014, 27 February - PROTOCOL DECISION “On Several Aspects of Freedom of Movement for the Population”.

2014, 19 February - PROTOCOL STATEMENT Following the Meeting of the Expert (Working) Groups on Economic Issues with the Participation of Political Representatives.

2013, 26 November - PROTOCOL DECISION on Agreements Reached on Some Issues of Pension and Social Security.

2013, 23 September - ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL to the Protocol Decision “On the Principles of Resumption of a Full-Scale Freight Railway Communication through the Territory of Pridnestrovie” of March 30, 2012.

2013, 16 September - PROTOCOL STATEMENT after the Meeting of Representatives of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie on Political Issues.

2013, 25 July - JOINT ACTION PLAN for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources for 2013-2014.

2013, 17 July - PROTOCOL DECISION on the Arrangements Reached for the Draft of the Joint Action Plan by Authorized Structures of the Sides in the Area of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in 2013-2014.

2013, 24 May - PROTOCOL DECISION for Dismantling a Cable Car (Funicular) across the Dniester River in Towns Rybnitsa and Rezina.

2012, 26 September - ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL to the Protocol Decision “On the Principles of Resumption of a Full-Scale Freight Railway Communication through the Territory of Pridnestrovie” of March 30, 2012.

2012, 13 July - PROTOCOL of the Meeting of the Permanent Conference on Political Issues in the Framework of the Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process.

2012, 20 June - JOINT COMMUNIQUÉ.

2012, 30 March - PROTOCOL DECISION on the Principles of Resumption of a Full-Scale Freight Railway Communication through the Territory of Pridnestrovie.

2012, 14 March - PROTOCOL DECISION on Order and Procedures of Removal of Ionizing Radiation Sources (IRS) from the Territory of Pridnestrovie.

2012, 27 January - JOINT PRESS RELEASE following the Results of the Meeting between Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova Vladimir Filat and Head of Pridnestrovie Evgeny Shevchuk.

2011, 21 November - JOINT STATEMENT.

2011, 22 September - STATEMENT by the Participants of the 5+2 Format Consultations on the Resumption of Work of the Permanent Conference on Political Issues in the Framework of the Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process.

2011, 9 September - GENERAL REGULATION for Expert (Working) Groups on Confidence Building Measures and Development of Cooperation.

2009, 18 March - Joint Statement

2006, 26 January - Protocol of the Meeting of the Permanent Consultations on Political Issues in the Framework of the Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process

2005, 15 December - Protocol of the Meeting of the Permanent Consultations on Political Issues in the Framework of the Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process

2005, 27 October - Protocol of the Meeting of the Permanent Consultations on Political Issues in the Framework of the Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process

2005, 26 September - On The Meeting of Mediators from OSCE, Russian Federation and Ukraine with Political Representatives of Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie

2005, 17 May - On The Meeting of Mediators from OSCE, Russian Federation and Ukraine with Political Representatives of Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie

2004, 26 April - Protocol of the Meeting of the Permanent Consultations on Political Issues in the Framework of the Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process

2004, 18 March - Protocol on Joint Actions between Health Authorities of the Republic of Moldova and Health Authorities of Pridnestrovie in the Field of Public Health Protection

2003, 1 October - Protocol of the Meeting of the Permanent Consultations on Political Issues in the Framework of the Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process

2003, 4 September - Protocol of the Meeting of the Permanent Consultations on Political Issues in the Framework of the Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process

2003, 3 July - Protocol of the Meeting of the Permanent Consultations on Political Issues in the Framework of the Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process

2003, 5 June - Protocol of the Meeting of the Permanent Consultations on Political Issues in the Framework of the Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process

2003, 24 April - Protocol of the Meeting of the Permanent Consultations on Political Issues in the Framework of the Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process

2003, 18 March - Protocol of the Meeting of the Permanent Consultations on Political Issues in the Framework of the Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process

2003, 28 February - Protocol on Development of the Mechanism for Elaboration and Approval of the Constitution of a Federate State

2003, 30 January - Protocol of the Meeting of the Permanent Consultations on Political Issues in the Framework of the Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process

2002, 17 December - Protocol of the Meeting of the Permanent Conference on Political Issues in the Framework of the Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process

2002, 5 December - Declaration on Intentions, the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie

2002, 1 November - Protocol Record (OSCE Mission to Moldova, November 1, 2002, Tiraspol)

2002, 18 September - Agreement on the Basis of Relations between the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie

2002, 5 September - Protocol of the 4th Round of the Kishinev Meeting of the Permanent Conference on Political Issues in the Framework of Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process

2002, 28 August - Protocol Record of the Second Round of the Kishinev Meeting of the Permanent Conference on Political Issues in the Framework of Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process

2002, 22 August - Protocol of the Meeting of the first Round of Kishinev Meeting of the Permanent Conference on Political Issues in the Framework of Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process

2002, 2 July - Protocol of the Meeting of the Permanent Conference on Political Issues in the Framework of Pridnestrovian Settlement Negotiation Process

2002, 19 February - PROTOCOL of the Meeting of Mediators in the Pridnestrovian Settlement, the RF, Ukraine and the OSCE

2001, 8 August - Protocol Decision on Joint Actions in Field of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources.

2001, 3 August - Protocol Decision on Cooperation in Field of Frequency Planning, Television, Radio Broadcasting Between the Ministry of Transport and Communications and Administration of Communications of Pridnestrovie.

2001, 20 June - Protocol of the Meeting of Leaders of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

2001, 14 June - Protocol on the Basis of Interaction between Penitentiary Systems of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

2001, 16 May - Protocol of the Meeting of the Leaders of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

2001, 9 April - Joint Statement of Leaders of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

2000, 16 May - Protocol of the Meeting of Delegations of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

2000, 14 March - Agreement on Cooperation Between the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova and the Pridnestrovian Supreme Soviet.

1999, 13 July - Protocol of the Meeting of Delegations of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie on Coordination of Activities in the Field of Economy & Trade and Science & Technology.

1999, 26 January - Protocol of the Official Meeting of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1998, 1 December - Protocol on the Meeting of the Delegations between the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1998, 28 September - Supplement to the Protocol of the Meeting of the of the Delegations of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1998, 22 September - Protocol of the Meeting of the Delegations of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1998, 31 July - Protocol of the Meeting of the Delegations of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1998, 21 July - Protocol of the Meeting of the Delegations of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1998, 6 July - Protocol Decision on the Joint Meeting of the Working Groups of the Customs Control Department of the Republic of Moldova and
Customs Committee of Pridnestrovie.

1998, 18 June - Protocol of the Meeting of the Delegations of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1998, 20 March - Agreement on Confidence Measures and Development of Contacts between the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1998, 17 February - Protocol of the Working Meeting of the Leadership of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1998, 12 January - Protocol of the Meeting of Delegations of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1997, 10 November - Agreement on Organizational Bases of Socio-Economic Cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1997, 10 October - Protocol of Negotiations of Delegations of the RAO Gazprom, the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1997, 23 September - Protocol on Results of the Meeting of Leaders of the Delegations of the Russian Federation, Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1997, 21 August - Protocol of the Meeting of Delegations of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1997, 24 May - Protocol of the Meeting of the Leadership of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1997, 8 May - Memorandum on the Bases for Normalization of Relations Between the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1996, 22 November - Agreement between the National Inspectorate General for Phytosanitary Quarantine of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie on Coordination of Activities of the Quarantine and Plant Protection Services.

1996, 7 June - Protocol Decision on the Resolution of Problems Related to Emergency Condition of the Bridge over the Dniester near Vadul-lui-Voda.

1996, 14 May - Protocol Decision on Restoration of Operating Capacity of the Moldovan GRES and Dubossary GES.

1996, 11 March - Protocol Decision on Agreed Actions on Issues of Standardization, Metrology and Certification between Department of Standards, Metrology and Technical Supervision of the Republic of Moldova and Committee on Standardization, Certification and Metrology of Pridnestrovie.

1996, 7 February - Protocol Decision on Resolution of Problems Emerged in Activity of Customs Services of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1995, 24 November - Joint Statement on the Guarantees of Free Movement of Vehicles on the Roads of the Republic of Moldova.

1995, 5 July - Agreement on the Maintenance of Peace and Security Guarantees between the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1995, 15 February - Protocol Decision on Resolution of Problems in Public Education between the Republic of Moldova and the Pridnestrovian Region.

1994, 17 December - Protocol on Agreed Issues of the Joint Working Group of the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie on Economy, Finance and Bank Transactions.

1994, 21 October - Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Moldova on the Legal Status, the Procedure and Terms of Withdrawal of Military Units of the Russian Federation, Temporarily Located on the Territory of the Republic of Moldova.

1994, 16 May - Cooperation Agreement.

1994, 28 April - Declaration of the Leaders of Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1993 - Protocol on Intentions in the Field of Public Education Between the Republic of Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

1992, 21 July - Agreement on the Principles for a Peaceful Settlement of the Armed Conflict in the Dniester Region of the Republic of Moldova.

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