Civil Society and the Rose Revolution in Georgia

Civil Society and the Rose Revolution in Georgia


Research group of the project “The Role of Civil Society in Rose Revolution in Georgia” included representatives of the International Centre on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN): Dr. George Khutsishvili (head of the group), Dr. George Nizharadze, Rusudan Mshvidobadze, Dr Tina Gogheliani (researchers), as well as Davit Kiphiani (consultant), and Zurab Mkheidze (invited researcher). Prof. Zaza Piralishvili (I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University) provided valuable contribution to the research and writing of the book, as well as Heiko Nowak (University of Tubingen, Germany). Valuable advice on development of methodology and the composition of the research work was done by the project international consultant Dr. Françoise Companjen (Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands) who has co-written chapters and participated in the editing work. Each part of the book has its own author(s), though all the contributors share general responsibility for the final product.

The research group extends thanks to all organizations and individuals without whose input the project implementation would have been impossible. The group extends deep gratitude to the Dutch foundation Cordaid for their partnership, organizational and financial support for the project. Special thanks to the members of the project Steering Committee: Irina Khantadze (chair), Dr. Ghia Nodia, Mikheil Chachkhunashvili, Dr. George Margvelashvili, Dr. Gigi Tevzadze, Dr. Tina Khidasheli, and Dr. Sandro Tvalchrelidze (members), for their valuable input and constructive collaboration at different critical points of the working process.

Our thanks to all interviewed respondents and experts for co-operation, to all interviewers and statisticians who worked on and processed the research materials; special thanks to the technical editors, translators – Ghia Chumburidze’s input should be specially highlighted here - and
proofreaders of the book - especially to Aniko Chabashvili et al. And of course, to the entire staff of the International Centre on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN) who did their best to contribute to the successful implementation of the project.
