Conflict Analysis Framework: Field Guidelines and Procedures

ICCN is publishing the translation of GPPAC’s “Conflict Analysis Framework: Field Guidelines and Procedures” which includes several parts of the document from English into Russian language.

This comes in the light of the efforts in disseminating GPPAC materials for conflict prevention and to support its members with context-relevant tools for their training. The material is targeted towards communities in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia who live in the conflict and/or conflict prone regions.

The document represents a framework and practical guidelines for conflict analysis that members of the GPPAC network and various other organisations can adapt and localise to fit their respective contexts and organisational needs. We call it the ‘Conflict Analysis Field Guide’ in brief. It was developed by members of GPPAC’s Preventive Action Working Group and partners to support Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and practitioners with the following objectives:

  • To strengthen CSOs’ capacity for conflict analysis as a basis for preventive action.
  • To promote self-assessment and conflict sensitivity.
  • To inform programming/project planning, whether it be direct intervention or advocacy to mobilise other actors.