Handbook on Human Security

Human security depends on fruitful civil-military-police understanding and coordination. New generations of security sector leaders recognise that civil society is an important stakeholder for sustainable security.

ICCN is publishing the translation of GPPAC’s “Human Security Handbook” which include following parts: Introduction (p.6-19) & Module 1 (p.26-47), Lessons 13 & 14 (p.127-139), from English into Russian and Georgian languages.

This comes in light of the Improving Practice Working Group efforts in disseminating GPPAC materials in the conduct of conflict prevention and to support its members with context-relevant tools for their trainings. The material is targeted towards communities in Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia who live in the conflict and/or conflict prone regions.

Human Security Handbook (full) - English,

Introduction (6-19 pp.) - Russian,

Module 1 (p.26-47 pp.) - Russian,

Lessons 13 & 14 (127-139 pp.) - Russian,

Lessons 13 & 14 (127-139 pp.) - Georgian.

International Center on Conflict and Negotiation


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