Women of Kvemo Kartli
Women of Kvemo Kartli
Those of us, who met you, were invited into your houses, heard your stories and recorded them in pictures and words would like to thank you and hope we have done you justice.
Publication of the International Center on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN) in the frame of the Programme "Alliances Kvemo Kartli", a Swiss Development Cooperation funded market development programme implemented by Mercy Corps Georgia working in the dairy, beef and sheep value chains in Dmanisi, Tetritskaro and Tsalka municipalities of Kevmo Kartli.
Team working on the publication: Helen Bradbury, Galina Petriashvili, Maia Mosiashvili Shorena Lortkipanidze, Nana Berekashvili.
Editor: Helen Bradbury.
Photos by Galina Petriashvili, Helen Bradbury, Jamie Grant.
Design: Beka Berikashvili.
Note: due to the size of the e-version of the Book V, we are dividing it into 4 parts.
Please find the Book in following files uploaded: I (1-25 pp.); II (25-50 pp.); III (50-75 pp.); IV (75-100 pp.).