George Khutsishvili: Works on Philosophy

“George Khutsishvili: Works on Philosophy”, Book V - presents a selection of 1980s Russian language studies on Philosophy by Georgian scientist of Peace and Conflict Studies, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor George Khutsishvili (1948-2013).

The Book is published in 2018 with the financial support of the International Center on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN).

The present publication of his two monographs, for each one of which he was awarded with the title of Doctor of Philosophy; an article alongside with a story numerously reprinted in philosophy journals, is intended for researchers in the field of Philosophy and a broader spectrum of readers as well.

Suggested APA citation:

Tsikhistavi-Khutsishvili, N. (2018). George Khutsishvili: Works on Philosophy (First ed., Vol. V). Tbilisi, Georgia: The International Center on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN). doi: “George Khutsishvili: Works on Philosophy”, Book V - presents a selection of 1980s Russian language studies on Philosophy by Georgian scientist of Peace and Conflict Studies, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor George Khutsishvili (1948-2013).


Note: due to the size of the e-version of the Book V, we are dividing it into 7 parts.

Please find the Book V in following files uploaded: I (1-75 pp.); II (76-144 pp.); III (145-237 pp.); IV (238-288 pp.); V (289-357 pp.); VI (358-429 pp.); VII (430-535 pp.).

Thank you for your interest and understanding.