Peace Mediation and Networking Training Programme held in Antalya, Turkey
From 25 to 30 September, 2018, ICCN organized the training programme on Peace Mediation and Networking in Antalya, Turkey. The training programme is held under the cross-regional cooperation, initiated and implemented by ICCN, Caucasus Regional Secretariat of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflicts (GPPAC). The EU/EUMM supported programme aims at strengthening the Network of Women Mediators of South Caucasus (NWMSC) to promote inclusive peace processes and peacebuilding on all levels. Participants of the training were awarded with the certificates of achievement. The members of the Network signed the Memorandum of Understanding.
The Network of Women Mediators of South Caucasus (NWMSC) is initiated and established by ICCN in November, 2017.