
  • Russia-Georgia: Challenges and Perspectives in Economic Sector

    One more publication of the International Center on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN), published in the framework of the project “Fostering Russia-Georgia Neighborly Relations through Multi-stakeholder Networking and Expert Dialogue” in...

  • Simulation Game: Handout for Training

    Different organizations are working on solutions, concentrating on human right questions and lobbying those rights on the institutional level. Many activities are dedicated to discussions of the possible solutions and...

  • Russian-Georgian Relations: In Search of New Ways of Development (a notebook) Российско-грузинские отношения: в поисках новых путей развития : [рабочая тетрадь] Москва, 2014 Российский совет по международным делам. Международный центр по конфликтам и переговорам. Рабочая тетрадь подготовлена Международным центром по конфликтам и переговорам и...
  • Women’s Economic Empowerment Study Women’s Economic Empowerment Study Study on Women’s Economic Empowerment Indicators in Alliances KK program Area: Dmanisi, Tsalka and Tetritskharo Municipalities by ICCN, 2013
  • Women of Kvemo Kartli Women of Kvemo Kartli 2013 Those of us, who met you, were invited into your houses, heard your stories and recorded them in pictures and words would like to thank you and...
  • Research Paper “Russia-Georgia: reciprocal perception”

    Empirical Study “Perception of Georgia and Georgians in the Russian Society” was conducted within the frames of the program funded by the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflicts....

  • Application and Implementation of the Law on Gender Equality of Georgia by Local Self-Government Bodies

    These Guidelines for the Application and Implementation of the Law on Gender Equality of Georgia by Local Self Government Bodies was developed with members of the Local Self Governments of...

  • Annual Gender Workshop Review Alliances KK Annual Gender Workshop 2012 This report was written by: Helen Bradbury Programme Director of the Swiss Development Cooperation project the Mercy Corps Georgia implemented Alliances Kvemo Kartli Programme,...
  • Как мы жили вместе в грузии в хх веке: методические указания для учителей КАК МЫ ЖИЛИ ВМЕСТЕ В ГРУЗИИ В ХХ ВЕКЕ Русское издание осуществлено Международным центром по конфликтам и переговорам (ICCN) при поддержке немецкого фонда EED. Над редакцией русского издания...
  • Perception of  Russia and Russians in Georgian Society The survey on ‘Perception of Russia and Russians in Georgian society’ was conducted within the framework of the network Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict. The survey was...

International Center on Conflict and Negotiation


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