Solidarity Letter of Human Rights Defenders of Azerbaijan to Georgian Civil Society

6 April, 2024

Baku, Azerbaijan



Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are closely monitoring the ongoing legislative efforts in Georgia aimed at bolstering governmental oversight of Georgian citizens' adherence to constitutional freedoms and rights. In pursuing this objective, Georgian authorities seem to have drawn inspiration from Russian counterparts, who, under the guise of upholding free expression, have adopted measures reminiscent of suppressing freedom. The Russian authorities' move to label dissenting Russian citizens as "foreign agents" for criticizing government policies has drawn parallels to the dark days of the Bolshevik regime, which branded dissidents as "enemies of the people." Such totalitarian ambitions of dictatorial regimes are condemned universally.

Georgian society has previously shown resilience against the encroachment of the "Georgian Dream" government and has effectively communicated the nature of this Russian-inspired initiative to the Georgian public. It appears that government officials are persisting in their efforts to present this situation favorably.

As human rights defenders and activists from Azerbaijani civil society, we deeply appreciate the advancements made by Georgian civil society in upholding civil liberties and constitutional rights. We support our Georgian colleagues in high regard and share a sense of responsibility in preserving and enhancing these achievements. We condemn any government's decision to oversee citizens' exercise of their constitutional rights and freedoms. In Azerbaijan, we also confront attempts by authorities to politicize and regulate citizens' activities concerning their constitutional rights. The civil society sector in both Georgia and Azerbaijan must assert its independence and freedom to impartially serve national interests and security. This is crucial for long-term peace and stability in our region.

Dear friends and esteemed colleagues, please rest assured that Azerbaijani activists stand in solidarity with you as defenders of universal human rights and fundamental freedoms, which should remain unbounded and beyond governmental control in the future.

We wish you success and reaffirm our solidarity with you!



Novella Jafarova,

Chairwoman of the Society for Protection of Women's Rights of Azerbaijan named after. D. Aliyeva;

Arzu Abdullaeva,

Head of the Azerbaijan National Committee of Helsinki Citizens' Assembly;

Saadat Bananyarli,

Head of the Azerbaijan National Branch of the International Society for Human Rights;

Mirvari Gahramanli,

Head of the Organization “Oil Workers Rights Protection”;

Saida Gojamanli,

Head of the Organization “Human Rights and the Protection of the Rule of Law”;

Shahla Ismail,

Chairwoman of Women's Association for Rational Development;

Mehriban Zeynalova,

Chairwoman of the Organization “Clean World”;

Hilal Mamedov,

Co-Chairman of the Solidarity Committee for Justice;

Dilara Efendiyeva,

Director of the Civil Platform for Peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan;

Leyla Aliyeva,

Head of the National and International Studies Centre;

Sabit Bagirov,

Head of the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation;

Zardusht Alizadeh,

Political scientist.

International Center on Conflict and Negotiation


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