High Level Conference on Mediation

GPPAC participated in the International High Level Conference on Mediation organised by the Government of Belgium in Brussels on 14 February. The seminar explored many of the key challenges facing today's mediation practitioners. GPPAC was represented by Executive Director Darynell Rodríguez Torres, and by Director of ICCN, Nina Tsikhistavi- Khutsishvili, GPPAC's regional representative for the Caucasus.

Nina Tsikhistavi- Khutsishvili spoke on behalf of GPPAC in the panel 'How do different types of mediation actors interface?' She referred to her experience in the Istanbul Process, a dialogue process lead by ICCN, which brings together experts from Russia and Georgia to seek ways out of the crisis after the 2008 war.

The discussions were led by Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Didier Reynders. Contributing to the promotion of mediation in the United Nations is an important feature in Belgium's candidacy for a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council in 2019.

Participants included the Ministers of Foreign Affairs from Algeria, Malaysia, Nepal and Uganda; the Secretary General of the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation Yousef A Al Othaimeen former president of Finland Martti Ahtisaari, senator George Mitchell, former special envoy for Northern Ireland and the Middle East, as well as United Nations Special Envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura.

More information about the High Level Conference on Mediation on GPPAC's webpage.

International Center on Conflict and Negotiation


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