“Peace Camp” - They Say

Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy-Georgia (IMTD-Georgia)

15 September, 2014

Youth Peace Festival

IMTD together with International Center for Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN), Transcend Georgia, Akhmeteli Theatre have recently launched a peace festival project. The project is the first attempt to engage youth, art and academic representatives in one area aiming to create peaceful and friendly connections. There were two parts to the project, peace express and peace camp was planned in the framework of the international day of Peace. It was the first time Georgia joined millions of people around the world with events involving international participants. The project included 5 day forum “Peace Camp” at the black sea resort Batumi. This took place from the 20-26 September. Participants included students, successful scholarship candidates demonstrating their high interest in peace activism, conflict transformation, human rights and international affairs.

International Center on Conflict and Negotiation


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