Reports on Conflict in Georgia

Assessment of Obligations and Commitments related to the Conflict and its consequences.

Consolidated Reports on the Conflict in Georgia - Council of Europe (CoE)

October 2023 – March 2024 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia (N 29).

April - September 2023 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia (N 28).

November 2022 - March 2023 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia (N 27).

April – October 2022 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia. (N 26).

October 2021 – March 2022 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia. (N 25).

April – September 2021 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia. (N 24).

October 2020 – March 2021 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia. (N 23).

April – September 2020 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia. (N 22).

October 2019 – March 2020 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia (N 21).

April – September 2019 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia (N 20).

October 2018 – March 2019 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia. (N 19).

April – September 2018 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia (N 18).

October 2017 – March 2018 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia. (N 17).

April – September 2017 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia. (N 16).

October 2016 – March 2017 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia. (N 15).

April – September 2016 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia. (N 14).

October 2015 – March 2016 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia (N 13).

April – September 2015 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia (N 12).

November 2014 – March 2015 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia (N 11).

April – October 2014 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia (N 10).

October 2013 – March 2014 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia. (N 9).

April – September 2013 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia (N 8).

October 2012 – March 2013 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia (N 7).

April – September 2012 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia (N 6).

October 2011 – March 2012 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia (N 5).

April – October 2011 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia (N 4).

October 2010 – March 2011 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia (N 3).

April – September 2010 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia. (N 2).

October 2009 – March 2010 - Consolidated report on the conflict in Georgia (N 1).

Report of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission (IIFFMCG) - Council of the European Union

2009 September - The Report of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Conflict in Georgia (IIFFMCG)). (The Tagliavini Report).

Part I: (English) (Georgian)

Part II: (English) (Georgian)

Part III: (English) (Georgian)

Reports of the Fact-Finding Missions - the United Nations (UN)

2007, March - The Report Joint Fact-Finding Group on The Rocket Firing Incident in the upper Kodori valley on 11 March 2007.

2003, November 30 - 17 December - The UNDP-led Feasibility Mission to Abkhazia, Georgia was undertaken with the aim to assess the feasibility of a sustainable recovery process for returnee populations and local communities. The Mission looked at rehabilitation issues which are key for the sustainability of the local population and returning IDPs in the areas included in the former Gali district borders (i.e. present-day Gali district and parts of the present day Ochamchira and Tkvarcheli districts). Also, specifically in terms of rehabilitation issues for the local population, the mission looked at the present day districts of Ochamchira and Tkvarcheli in their entirety.

The mission had the following objectives: to produce a menu of prioritised options with timelines, benchmarks and costing for programmatic and policy interventions that would; assess the rehabilitation needs of the local population, including economic rehabilitation; identify the immediate rehabilitation needs for a joint rehabilitation/return programme, as well as further actions needed to meet the main rehabilitation needs and ensure the sustainability of the return of IDPs; and establish the priorities for such actions, and the modalities for implementing the outcomes of the mission. Involved in the mission were representatives of UNOMIG, UNHCR, UNV, UNICEF and OCHA.

The Mission recommended that a comprehensive and integrated programme be implemented in three phases. The first, to be embarked upon immediately, would be a Preliminary Phase to address immediate recovery needs; the second phase would be a Basic Rehabilitation Phase to move beyond the most immediate needs and into a sustainable recovery process and would be dependent upon adequate progress in the peace process with a particular emphasis on security and return; and the final Recovery Phase would address further recovery needs, based on lessons learned and confidence developed during the preceding phases. The programming options put forward were proposed as a means of establishing an environment conducive to the return of IDPs as well as the rehabilitation and recovery of the local population.

The Mission's report was published in 2004.

2002, October-December - Under the auspices of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Georgia and with the consent of the two parties, the UN carried out a Security Assessment Mission (SAM) to the Gali district. The purpose of the SAM was to determine the ways and means of improving security conditions in the Gali District within its pr-1992 administrative boundaries. The SAM recommended the training and equipping of the law enforcement agencies, the improvement in co-operation between law enforcement agencies and the local population, the improvement of mechanisms for co-operation between the sides, the improvement of human rights and the economic rehabilitation of the area through support to economic programs/projects for the Gali and Zugdidi districts and possibly in adjacent areas.

2000, 20 to 24 November - Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) to the Gali district was carried out, under the aegis of the United Nations and within the framework of the United Nations-led Geneva peace process for the settlement of the conflict in Abkhazia, Georgia. The Mission evaluated conditions relevant to the safe, secure and dignified return of refugees and internally displaced persons to the Gali district, including those who have already returned. It was envisaged that those efforts would foster greater international support for the process of return and contribute to the general stability in the area.

The JAM was led by the United Nations, with the participation of OSCE, the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, the OSCE Office of the High Commissioner on National Minorities (OSCE/HCNM), the Council of Europe, and the European Commission, while the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and UNHCR sent their observers.

2000, January - The Joint Fact-finding Group established on 19 January 2000.

CITATION 1: "11. The Joint Fact-finding Group established on 19 January 2000, which includes representatives of the CIS peacekeeping force, as well as of the Georgian and Abkhaz sides, and is chaired by the Chief Military Observer, continues to meet on a weekly basis."


CITATION 2: "14. The joint fact-finding mechanism, which includes representatives of the Georgian and Abkhaz sides, UNOMIG and the collective peacekeeping force of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), has continued to operate on an ad hoc basis, helping to clarify the facts surrounding violations of the Moscow Agreement of 14 May 1994 and other violent incidents in the zone of conflict."


CITATION 3: "The fact-finding mission became a Joint Assessment Mission to evaluate the situation of refugees..." -


1998, February-March - The UN-led a Needs Assessment Mission (NAM) to Abkhazia, Georgia.

The United Nations Needs Assessment Mission (NAM) to Abkhazia was carried out under the auspices of the Georgian/Abkhaz Coordinating Council's Working Group III on Economic and Social Issues. The Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) Mr. Liviu Bota chairs the Coordinating Council. Mr. Marco Borsotti, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Georgia, chairs Working Group III.

The Missions terms of reference provided for the identification of priority short and medium term needs in the primary production and social sectors, as well as the elaboration of project proposals to meet these needs.

The Mission took place over two periods: 15-25 February and 2-4 March and comprised 24 experts from the United Nations Development Programme, UNICEF, the Food and Agricultural Organisation, the World Bank, the World Food Programme, the Government of the Netherlands, USAID, the European Union Delegation in Georgia, and the German Technical Agency.

UN OCHA offered support in arranging logistics and schedules for the Mission; UNHCR's field expertise in Abkhazia helped to orient the group; and UNOMIG provided logistics support and information on security issues. The Mission also consulted with other organisations with offices in Abkhazia, including ICRC, Acción contra el Hambre, Halo Trust, Médecins sans Frontières-France, Premiere Urgence, and UMCOR.

The Mission covered 11 sectors: agriculture (specifically citrus crops, tea, and veterinary), civil society, demining, education, energy, health, humanitarian assistance, municipal services, public facilities and housing, transportation, and water supply.

The Report of the Mission includes project proposals.

1993, 22 to 30 October - Report of the Secretary-General’s fact-finding mission to investigate human rights violations in Abkhazia, Republic of Georgia.

1992, 13 to 15 October - the mission to have visited Abkhazia, Georgia by the Under-Secretary-General for Human Rights, Antoine Blanca.

1992, 12 to 20 September - the mission to have visited Abkhazia, Georgia was headed by the director of the Department of Political AI airs, Gustave Feissel.

Reports of the Fact-Finding Missions - the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)

2001, 12-15 October - The OSCE Permanent Council sent an 18-member fact-finding mission to South Ossetia.

1992 October - The CSCE mission, headed by Mr. Diarmaty.

1992, 25 to 30 July - The OSCE fact-finding mission was dispatched to South Ossetia.

1992 , 17-22 May - The CSCE Rapporteur mission to South Ossetia. At the Prague meeting of the Ministerial Council of the CSCE in late January 1992, it was agreed to send a rapporteur mission to the conflict zone.

Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO))

1998, 31 March - UN Needs Assessment Mission to Abkhazia, Georgia. published by UNPO.

1992, December - UNPO Coordinated Human Rights Mission.

1992, November - REPORT OF A UNPO MISSION TO ABKHAZIA, GEORGIA AND THE NORTHERN CAUCASUS. Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO)).

Suggested APA citation of this page:

Tsikhistavi-Khutsishvili, N. (Ed.). (2014). Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Historical Archive of Georgia by the International Center on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN). Retrieved /month, date, year/ from

International Center on Conflict and Negotiation


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