Young Historians on Conflicts

Instrumentalization of history and its role in conflicts of Georgia.

Tbilisi, 2020

Authors of the Policy Brief, Members of the Iliauni History Students Club:

Zurab Tsurtsumia,

George Menaphire,

Nino Chachanidze,

Nino Gabadze,

George Mdzinarashvili.


This policy brief is in line with the newly adopted GPPAC youth policy and represents one of the priorities of the GPPAC Caucasian Dialogue 2020 Programme which includes greater inclusion of the youth in the conflict analysis and studies as well as conflict-prevention activities.

ICCN considers that this approach contributes to greater access of the youth to the space of meaningful peace dialogue and advocacy of conflict prevention initiatives.

The policy brief reflects the needs of young people and priorities of youth in their plans, be supportive of the active role of youth in peacebuilding and conflict prevention, and their inclusion in peace processes.

International Center on Conflict and Negotiation


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