Conflict Resolution Documents for Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

1994-2023 Documents

2023, 7 December - Joint statement of the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia and the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan

2023, 26 October - Addressing Silk Road international conference in Tbilisi, Georgia, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan unveiled a project called ‘Crossroad of Peace’ on how to reopen transport links across the South Caucasus.

2023, 28 September - The newly elected de facto President of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR), known to Armenians as Artsakh, Samvel Shahramanyan, signed a decree on September 28, on the termination of its existence from January 1, 2024 and the dissolution of all state institutions and organizations. The Decree comes into force on the date of publication.

2023, 19 September - MFA statement on Azerbaijan's aggression in Nagorno-Karabakh (in Russian) (in English)

2023, 19 September - Statement by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan began “anti-terrorist measures” of a local nature in Karabakh. (in Russian) (in English)

2023, September - ...

2023, 23 January - The EU establishes a civilian mission to contribute to stability in border areas in Armenia. The Council today agreed to establish a civilian European Union Mission in Armenia (EUMA) under the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).

2021, November 26 - Statement by the Presidents of Azerbaijan, Armenia and the Russian Federation made in Sochi.

2021, 11 January - Moscow Agreement on Economic and Transport Infrastructure, Russia-Armenia Railway: Joint Statement by Putin, Aliyev and Pashinyan on Nagorno-Karabakh.

2020, 11 November - A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on a Joint Turkish-Russian Center for monitoring the Nagorno-Karabakh ceasefire is signed.

2020, 10 November - Armenia, Azerbaijan, and RF Leaders' Joint Statement - ceasefire announced, clashes to end.

2020, 25 October - U.S.-Armenia-Azerbaijan Joint Statement: "... The humanitarian ceasefire will take effect at 08:00 a.m. local time (12:00 a.m. EDT) on October 26, 2020."

2020, 17 October - The Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia have agreed to a humanitarian truce as of October 18th, 00:00 local time.

2020, 10 October - Statement by the foreign ministers of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia about a humanitarian ceasefire.

2020, 5 October - Statement by the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group: The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs of France Jean-Yves Le Drian, and Secretary of State of the United States of America Michael R. Pompeo, representing the Co-Chair countries of the OSCE Minsk Group.

2020, 27 September -

The State of War declared in Azerbaijan

The State of War declared in Armenia

2020, July - ...

2016, April - ...

2014, July - ...

2008, 11 November - Joint Declaration between the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation -

2008, 2 November - Joint Declaration between the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation.

2007, 30 November - Madrid Document: Basic Principles for the Peaceful Settlement of the Conflict, Minsk Group, OSCE

1995, February - Statement on behalf of the Co-Chairmanship, Minsk Group, OSCE.

1995, 3 February - Proposals on behalf of the Co-Chairmanship, Minsk Group, OSCE

1994, 26 July - Law-enforcement Agreement.

1994, 12 May - Cease-fire Agreement Implementation.

1994, 5 May - Bishkek Protocol.

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Tsikhistavi-Khutsishvili, N. (Ed.). (2014). Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Historical Archive of Georgia by the International Center on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN). Retrieved /month, date, year/ from