Concepts and Initiatives for Conflict Resolution in Georgia

The International Center on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN) provides with its archive and other available materials on conflict resolution possible ways. Among the collection there are concepts and initiatives identified and elaborated by the Civil Society of Georgia submitted to the interested institutions and the Government to discuss and implement all possible steps towards the conlict settlment and resolution.

We do beleave that the whole list of different initiatives will mark the huge work done for conflict peaceful resolution efforts for reaching a sustanable peace.

We would like to express our gratitude and thank you in advance for sending us any additional information.

კონფლიქტებისა და მოლაპარაკების საერთაშორისო კვლევითი ცენტრი

International Center on Conflict and Negotiation

Международный Центр по Конфликтам и Переговорам


"Peace is Handmade"