Integration and Conflict Resolution in South Caucasus

Integration & Conflict Resolution in South Caucasus: Reality or Illusion?
Findings of the Sociological Surveys

(in Russian)

2001, ICCN

By George Khutsishvili, Rusudan Mshvidobadze, George Nizharadze
This is the first in the ICCN pubications series devoted to national and regional-scale sociological studies in the Caucasus. This publication is based on the sociological survey done in Georgia in 1999 and being part of the regional research done at the expert and general public levels simultaneously in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. The survey used a uniform methodology and was fulfilled by three
national teams os scholars in respective countries. The project supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation was coordinated by prof. Ludmila Haroutyunian, Chair of Sociology of Yerevan State University. The Georgian and Azerbaijani teams were led by Prof. Dr. George Khutsishvili and Dr. Larisa Lemberanskaya, respectively. All three teams form a 21.07.2001 closely cooperating Network, which is starting, again with support from the MacArthur Foundation, a new stage of research in early 2002. Since the year 2000 the Network is cooperating with the Insitute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University, which plans to publish in the U.S.A. in 2002 a book based on the findings and comparative study of the three surveys, one of which is presented in this publication.

Результаты социологических опросов

2001, ICCN
