Russia-Georgia: Challenges and Perspectives in Economic Sector

Russia-Georgia: Challenges and Perspectives in Economic Sector

Tbilisi, 2014

One more publication of the International Center on Conflict and Negotiation (ICCN), published in the framework of the project “Fostering Russia-Georgia Neighborly Relations through Multi-stakeholder Networking and Expert Dialogue” in partnership with the Russian International Affairs
Council (RIAC).

The book contains evaluation in the form of theses of opportunities of Russian-Georgian economic interaction with the background of Georgia signing the Association Agreement with EU, as well as economic and political analysis of the issue of rehabilitation of railway communication via Abkhazia.

The above topics were discussed in the format of Istanbul Process in August 2014. The Istanbul Process was the longest of the dialogues between the Russian and Georgian highly qualified political experts, initiated shortly after the August 2008 crisis by the Founder of ICCN, Professor George Khutsishvili. Later on, the process was named after the venue in Istanbul. In total, up to fifty leading experts and public opinion leaders participated in ten expert meetings during the past five years.

In 2013, the International Center of Conflict and Negotiation extended the initiative, enriching Istanbul Expert Dialogue through involvement of multi-stakeholder networking component with the financial support of the Government of Switzerland.

We would like to express our gratitude to all the participants of the project, and hope to continue supporting development of expert analysis exchange and interaction on the course of the Russia-Georgia dialogue.


International Center on Conflict and Negotiation


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